نص الكتاب الأقدس

٦١ انّ الله قد امركم بالمودّة في ذوي القربى ما قدّر لهم حقّاً فى اموال النّاس انّه لهو الغنيّ عن العالمين.  التلاوة 

61  God hath bidden you to show forth kindliness towards My kindred, but He hath granted them no right to the property of others. He, verily, is self-sufficient, above any need of His creatures.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #61

٦٤ يا ملأ الانشآء لا تتّبعوا انفسكم انّها لامّارة بالبغي والفحشآء اتّبعوا مالك الاشيآء الّذي يأمركم بالبرّ والتّقوى انّه كان عن العالمين غنيّاً. ايّاكم ان تفسدوا في الارض بعد اصلاحها ومن افسد انّه ليس منّا ونحن برءآء منه كذلك كان الامر من سمآء الوحي بالحقّ مشهوداً. ۳۸ التلاوة 

64  O people of the world! Follow not the promptings of the self, for it summoneth insistently to wickedness and lust; follow, rather, Him Who is the Possessor of all created things, Who biddeth you to show forth piety, and manifest the fear of God. He, verily, is independent of all His creatures. Take heed not to stir up mischief in the land after it hath been set in order. Whoso acteth in this way is not of Us, and We are quit of him. Such is the command which hath, through the power of truth, been made manifest from the heaven of Revelation.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #64

٦٥ انّه قد حدّد في البيان برضآء الطّرفين انّا لمّا اردنا المحبّة والوداد واتّحاد العباد لذا علّقناه باذن الابوين بعدهما لئلاّ تقع بينهم الضّغينة والبغضآء ولنا فيه مآرب اخرى وكذلك كان الامر مقضيّاً.  التلاوة 

65  It hath been laid down in the Bayán that marriage is dependent upon the consent of both parties. Desiring to establish love, unity and harmony amidst Our servants, We have conditioned it, once the couple's wish is known, upon the permission of their parents, lest enmity and rancour should arise amongst them. And in this We have yet other purposes. Thus hath Our commandment been ordained.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #65

٦٧ قد كتب الله لكلّ عبد اراد الخروج من وطنه ان يجعل ميقاتاً لصاحبته فى ايّة مدّة اراد ان اتى ووفى بالوعد انّه اتّبع أمر مولاه وكان من المحسنين من قلم الامر مكتوباً. والاّ ان اعتذر بعذر حقيقيّ فله ان يخبر قرينته ويكون في غاية الجهد للرّجوع اليها وان فات الامران فلها تربّص تسعة اشهر معدودات وبعد اكمالها لا بأس عليها في اختيار الزّوج وان صبرت انّه يحبّ الصّابرات والصّابرين اعملوا اوامري ولا تتّبعوا كلّ مشرك كان في اللّوح اثيماً. ٤٠ وان اتى الخبر حين تربّصها لها ان تأخذ المعروف انّه اراد الاصلاح بين العباد والامآء ايّاكم ان ترتكبوا ما يحدث به العناد بينكم كذلك قضي الامر وكان الوعد مأتيّاً. وان اتاها خبر الموت او القتل وثبت بالشّياع او بالعدلين لها ان تلبث في البيت اذا مضت اشهر معدودات لها الاختيار فيما تختار هذا ما حكم به من كان على الامر قويّاً.  التلاوة 

67  It hath been decreed by God that, should any one of His servants intend to travel, he must fix for his wife a time when he will return home. If he return by the promised time, he will have obeyed the bidding of his Lord and shall be numbered by the Pen of His behest among the righteous; otherwise, if there be good reason for delay, he must inform his wife and make the utmost endeavour to return to her. Should neither of these eventualities occur, it behoveth her to wait for a period of nine months, after which there is no impediment to her taking another husband; but should she wait longer, God, verily, loveth those women and men who show forth patience. Obey ye My commandments, and follow not the ungodly, they who have been reckoned as sinners in God's Holy Tablet. If, during the period of her waiting, word should reach her from her husband, she should choose the course that is praiseworthy. He, of a truth, desireth that His servants and His handmaids should be at peace with one another; take heed lest ye do aught that may provoke intransigence amongst you. Thus hath the decree been fixed and the promise come to pass. If, however, news should reach her of her husband's death or murder, and be confirmed by general report, or by the testimony of two just witnesses, it behoveth her to remain single; then, upon completion of the fixed number of months, she is free to adopt the course of her choosing. Such is the bidding of Him Who is mighty and powerful in His command.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #67

٦٨ وان حدث بينهما كدورة او كره ليس له ان يطلّقها وله ان يصبر سنة كاملة لعلّ تسطع بينهما رآئحة المحبّة وان كملت وما فاحت فلا بأس في الطّلاق انّه كان على كلّ شيء حكيماً. ٤۱ قد نهاكم الله عمّا عملتم بعد طلقات ثلث فضلاً من عنده لتكونوا من الشّاكرين في لوح كان من قلم الامر مسطوراً. والّذي طلّق له الاختيار في الرّجوع بعد انقضآء كلّ شهر بالمودّة والرّضآء ما لم تستحصن واذا استحصنت تحقّق الفصل بوصل اخر وقضي الامر الاّ بعد امر مبين كذلك كان الامر من مطلع الجمال في لوح الجلال بالاجلال مرقوماً.  التلاوة 

68  Should resentment or antipathy arise between husband and wife, he is not to divorce her but to bide in patience throughout the course of one whole year, that perchance the fragrance of affection may be renewed between them. If, upon the completion of this period, their love hath not returned, it is permissible for divorce to take place. God's wisdom, verily, hath encompassed all things. The Lord hath prohibited, in a Tablet inscribed by the Pen of His command, the practice to which ye formerly had recourse when thrice ye had divorced a woman. This He hath done as a favour on His part, that ye may be accounted among the thankful. He who hath divorced his wife may choose, upon the passing of each month, to remarry her when there is mutual affection and consent, so long as she hath not taken another husband. Should she have wed again, then, by this other union, the separation is confirmed and the matter is concluded unless, clearly, her circumstances change. Thus hath the decree been inscribed with majesty in this glorious Tablet by Him Who is the Dawning-place of Beauty.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #68

٦٩ والّذي سافر وسافرت معه ثمّ حدث بينهما الاختلاف فله ان يؤتيها نفقة سنة كاملة ويرجعها الى المقرّ الّذي خرجت عنه او يسلّمها بيد امين وما تحتاج به في السّبيل ليبلّغها الى محلّها انّ ربّك يحكم كيف يشآء بسلطان كان على العالمين محيطاً. ٤۲ التلاوة 

69  If the wife accompany her husband on a journey, and differences arise between them on the way, he is required to provide her with her expenses for one whole year, and either to return her whence she came or to entrust her, together with the necessaries for her journey, to a dependable person who is to escort her home. Thy Lord, verily, ordaineth as He pleaseth, by virtue of a sovereignty that overshadoweth the peoples of the earth.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #69

٧٠ والّتي طلّقت بما ثبت عليها منكر لا نفقة لها ايّام تربّصها كذلك كان نيّر الامر من افق العدل مشهوداً. انّ الله احبّ الوصل والوفاق وابغض الفصل والطّلاق عاشروا يا قوم بالرّوح والرّيحان لعمري سيفنى من في الامكان وما يبقى هو العمل الطّيّب وكان الله على ما اقول شهيداً. يا عبادي اصلحوا ذات بينكم ثمّ استمعوا ما ينصحكم به القلم الاعلى ولا تتّبعوا جبّاراً شقيّاً.  التلاوة 

70  Should a woman be divorced in consequence of a proven act of infidelity, she shall receive no maintenance during her period of waiting. Thus hath the day-star of Our commandment shone forth resplendent from the firmament of justice. Truly, the Lord loveth union and harmony and abhorreth separation and divorce. Live ye one with another, O people, in radiance and joy. By My life! All that are on earth shall pass away, while good deeds alone shall endure; to the truth of My words God doth Himself bear witness. Compose your differences, O My servants; then heed ye the admonition of Our Pen of Glory and follow not the arrogant and wayward.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #70

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